Monday, December 19, 2011

The Stroller - It's Working!!!

The famous stroller has gotten lots of use this past week. We have had mild weather - sun, no wind, and low 40's for temperature. Penelope & I get bundled up and go for a walk most days. It has been quite refreshing.

Wayne has figured out how to 'walk' Penelope without going anywhere. Our drive in to our house is on a grade, and he can stand outside of the garage, give her a good push up the hill, and she simply rolls back to him.
I have been making great strides to my new and improved post-natal body. Here is a picture of me as I drag myself outside in sweats for the daily walk/run:

By the time I get back to the house, a great transformation has taken place. Wayne caught me on camera as I returned:

Notice the color cordinated running shirt & stroller. The ponytail & smile are perfectly in place. And last-but-not-least, a post-run power yoga, involving the baby in the workout:


  1. I jogged two blocks, and walked 5 miles. I am too out of shape to jog but can do small spurts. Today I had the pleasure of taking everything out of philips closet and putting them in boxes. It feels weird not to hear him singing and playing at 3am..sort of like having a baby that finally sleeps nights..but I woke up and heard a phathom singing sounded like Philip. I will miss him but glad he is getting out in the "real world"

  2. You look great, and Wow..Dec. and you are in your summer clothes! I am sure Penelope enjoys the outdoor runs.mmmm that kind of sounded like she needs a diaper change..ha.

  3. Sheena, this is hilarious! I usually just peek in on your blog, lurk, and laugh - but today I have to tell you how much I LOVE coming to your blog. Free entertainment!! Fun to see what you're up to, and to see Ms. Penelope!


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