Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Grinch Survived

I am a self-proclaimed Christmas Grinch. I dislike nearly everything about the Christmas season. Tinsel and trees are not for me. I was once accused of nearly taking out a cheerful Salvation Army bell ringer. But that was during my rebel years. I sent out about 7 Christmas cards this year. Well, not Christmas cards, but rather 'warm wishes' cards, as I can't bring myself to say 'Merry Christmas,' or 'Season's Greetings.'
Normally, the Christmas season drags on and on and on for me. However, this year, it seemed to fly by. Probably something to do with being a busy new mom. I hardly noticed all the Christmas hub-bub, although I am glad it is over!
There is one thing that has become a winter tradition in the Wayshetribe over the years. Dipping chocolate pretzels. I think we have done it nearly every year since we have been married. This year, Penelope joined in on the fun and we had a nice quiet evening dipping pretzels.


  1. Love you guys. I wonder what chocolate coverd popcorn would taste like. We never eat pretzels but popcorn...?? Glad you had a lovely 8yr Anniversary!!

  2. I, too, am glad Christmas is over, although it is sad when the kids have to go back to school. We tried a new chocolate/pretzel treat this year that you guys might like-- Put pretzel twists on a cookie sheet, top with Hershey Kisses and bake for 2 minutes. Pop an M&M on the top. Lots of variations, depending on what types of Kisses and M&Ms you use. It's fun for the kids to make, too.


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