Friday, October 31, 2014

Mr. Grinch

 Little Miss Pip has been playing 'trick-or-treat' and asking when we will go 'trick-or-treating' for the last 364 days, and finally....It's Halloween. Pippy wanted to be the Christmas Grinch (Just like her mom!!) Be very impressed to know that I made her costume. As in actually got the sewing machine out. (Gasp! Swoon!!) Also, Pip will be a turtle next year and use the same green jumpsuit I made. And Brynn will be forced to wear it for 2-3 years also. Didn't do all that work for nothin'!
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch
A cowboy and his pumpkin

Daddy loves these girls!! Ready to go to town! Mom and Brynn had a relaxing evening at home.
 Happy Halloween!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

A brief History of Tarantulas

This is a tarantula.

Along with scorpions, they are a myth of a creature that supposedly lives in desert-y places like, oh, say, Elko Nevada. Until recently. 

We were calmly driving down the road when Wayne says, "Huh. I just ran over a tarantula." No, ya didn't, honey, but I'll play along with it just in case someone's pet tarantula got loose and met it's demise under our car. I'm not really sure Wayne believed it himself until our friend Keith showed us this picture. He has been seeing them frequently near Rawhide, about 250 miles from here.

Well, unfortunately tarantulas aren't that exciting of spiders. They are harmless to humans. Female tarantulas, however, can live up to 25 years. Oh, just one fun little tidbit: tarantulas don't have teeth, their venom is used to 'liquify' their prey so they can slurp up their meal. How lovely.

Apparently it's a good year for spiders. We also have black widows around, and have seen quite a few this year. Others in the area have reported finding dozens in window-wells.

I'm generally not squeamish around spiders. I once had a pet spider that made a web inside the car between the door and windshield. I would see him there whenever I drove. Later, we were half way to town when Wayne nearly had an accident (and heart attack) when he spotted my little pet. But that's another story.

Back to the squeamish part. Get this: A female spider's venom is 15 times as toxic as a rattlesnake! That fact is sort of freaking me out.

So what if a black widow bites you?? Well, apparently they usually just 'bite' you and no venom is left in you. No worries, right? It's just a bite. Feel something crawling on your neck yet?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

 Pumpkin carving with Pippy's little friends and their families. It was a gorgeous evening!
 Pippy confiscated an exciting bubble gun!

Wayne carved us two lovely pumpkins.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Harvest Festival

We went to the harvest festival in Lamoille

Ring around the Rosie... Their favorite thing to do!
Roasting marshmallows

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

With Grandma in Midway

Grandma wore this girl out!

Buddies - We went to the Homestead Crater with Linda, Walter & Jadon. Penelope thinks Jadon is the Bee's Knees, and Jadon is such a good buddy. This is on top of the Crater.

This is inside Homestead Crater - a 90-some degree pool that is 60-some feet deep! Looking forward to swimming here soon!

Hanging with Grandma - We visited the Scarecrows at the Homestead Resort. Penelope loved to sit with Grandma and make phone calls. Brynn & Mom were there too...I think Linda has a pic of us all I will have to post later.

A short hike with the dogs.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fall fun in Utah

We met Ella and went to the Scarecrow Festival.
Lisa, Ella, Pip, Sheena (Andi and Brynn too!)
Taking a walk at the cabin.
Daddy and his girls
Mommy and the girls
Brynn has started making cute cooing noises
Todd and Dini came to the cabin to visit.
Pip and Grandma paint rocks
Another walk-and a deer ahead in the road if you look close.
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