Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Stroller-ad Mommy & Me

Wilst still pregnant, I was admiring my legs & backside in the mirror. "Man, I look good!" I said to myself. My legs had apparently gotten toned carrying around an extra 30 pounds. Feeling good about myself I continued to turn in front of the mirror until I could see my huge protruding stomach..... "Oh. Not that good"

So after Penelope was born, I was determined to start exercising right away, in an effort to become one of those sleek, toned mothers you see in jogging stroller ads. You know the ones - enthusiastic, fit, smiling, hair in place, well rested, and wearing a matching [clean] jogging suit, with an equally happy baby cooing in the stroller.

Well, four weeks went by, and I hardly felt like walking. Six weeks, eight weeks, and now nine weeks! I finally feel like I can manage a few things. With proper attire, I can jog or jump with my body still intact. I can do part of a sit-up (hurray!), and can bend, lift, and stretch with relative ease.

So this morning I made a huge step in the direction of the peppy, stroller pushing super-mom: I walked/ran a whole mile! It was nice and sunny out, no wind, and felt really good to get out. I contrasted greatly with stroller-ad mom: baggy sweater, greasy hair, sagging skin and I-haven't-showered-in-days greasy hair. Not to mention gasping for air at each crack in the sidewalk. Yet it was a huge accomplishment and hopefully I can make it a routine and get in shape.

And, I ordered a stroller that should arrive tomorrow, which should force me to get out more, even if only because of the guilt of spending too much on it. I'm on my way, stroller ads....


  1. hahaah! I did the SAME thing. Spent money on a stroller to propel myself to walk and use it. Better than investing in a gym membership you never use. Go you! Greasy hair and all! I keep thinking I should exercise while pregnant. But then I think "It is almost December. Is it really worth getting into a habit only to be snowed out?" And ultimately, I decide, no, not worth it. I am lousy. So I am pleased that you are ambitious. :-)

  2. It is 29yrs since Wayne was born Sheena, and I was hoping to look like my pre-pregnancy weight, but just when I finally took off a few lbs. low and behold another wonderful pregnancy to get through. Now I am too old to really ever look wonderful but I treasure all four children and I am glad I have three wonderful grandchildren to spoil, read too ( I hope) Glad you are enjoying feeling good.


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