Sunday, November 20, 2011

Penelope's First Snow

Our first snow that was more than a skiff....

Circle of Life Pose.....and since my mother accuses us of never having enough clothes/blankets on Penelope, the following picture is just for her:

See - She's warm mom!


  1. My in-laws, I learned after the fact, were always horrified at the paucity of clothing my Alaskan daughter wore in all her pictures! They couldn't feel the woodstove heating the place up to 80°, I guess!

  2. That 2nd pic is so sweet! Funny how some babies like to be bundled and others don't. Jaxon wants to be bundled all the time. We nicknamed him peanut because he likes to be wrapped up so tight he looks like he doesn't have any arms or legs. Hehe. His favorite place in the world is still in his Moby Wrap, bundled up really tight next to mama. And mama don't mind at all! :)


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