Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sewing for Babygirl

Yes, today is my due date. I have been keeping myself somewhat occupied by doing some sewing. Here are some things I have been making this past while:

A taggie blanket (without the tags, apparently) and a bib.
A blanket. The taggie blanket, bib and this blanket will be a gift for someone else.
A cover for the Boppy pillow. The other side is green and very soft.
A set of burp rags, with frilly borders


  1. CUTE! Tomorrow is a good day to have Babygirl. You know since your hubby is off of work and all.

    Thinking of you and sending you hugs.

  2. Very impressive line-up of homemade baby goodies! Thinking of you lots, can't wait to hear the news!

  3. Clever you! I think the Boppy pillow would have have won that round. Sewing in circles is complex.


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