Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pregnancy Myths

It is true, when you get pregnant, you get lots of helpful, free advice, whether you want it or not. What you also get, is people telling you all about pregnancy, as if they have spent their lives devoted to human reproduction. Which none of it I actually mind THAT much... Here are a few highlights:

The lady that cut Wayne's hair: "Oh, your wife must be SO hot! Did you know that during pregnancy a women's body tempurature rises by 10 degrees?!"

Well, I'm no expert. But I just Googled body temperature, and apparently if your body temperature is around 105-108 degrees Fahrenheit, your body systems shut down die. Normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees. So unless there are pregnant women keeling over at an alarming rate, perhaps you should stick with giving haircuts!

Here is another bit of interesting info. And also a note to the person who told me this that may read this blog: Don't feel bad, I thought it was funny! She made this comment over a month from my due date: "Don't you start gaining a half a pound a day from now until the end?" I burst out laughing and said "I sure hope not! That would be 60 more pounds!" We decided that what she had heard must have either been a half ounce a day or... just wrong. 

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