Monday, September 19, 2011

How to induce labor

It seems everyone is very concerned that mother nature will not work and that I will be the first woman on earth to be pregnant forever. And this is only 4 days after my 'due date'. Which is an estimate of when the baby will come, and most any book you read tells you that 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your due date is just as normal as having your baby on your due date. But, since I get several texts, emails, Facebook messages, and calls every day (sometimes starting at 6 am-thanks!) I am starting to feel like the weirdo that is never going to go into labor. So, along with all of this correspondence, you can imagine I am getting, yes, more advice!

How to induce labor:
Walk - have tried this. I walked down to the mailbox and back one day, but could barely move a few hours later.
Foot Massage - Wayne has been told to give me a foot massage to induce labor. At first I was leery...("I want it to happen naturally...") but quickly realized this would likely be the one and only foot massage I get from my husband. So I told him he could give me a foot massage. That was last Wednesday and I still haven't gotten that massage....
Spicy Food - At the Carlin Chili Cookoff, I was told to eat the hottest and spiciest food. I did, but nothing happened. Wayne's co-worker, Misty, is probably disappointed, as Babygirl was to be named "Chili" if born Saturday.
Boat ride - Well, went boating on Labor Day weekend, so that also failed.
Go to high elevations - Well, since we live next to the Ruby Mountains, we drive up to 9000 feet to go hiking once a week. Well, usually Wayne does the hiking, and I relax somewhere reading a book. So, this one hasn't worked.
A wide variety of intimate husband/wife relations - enough said.

So hold off on the calls/messages tonight, as Wayne and I will be driving up the canyon with Indian food and habenaro salsa, hiking to Liberty Pass, and spreading a soft blanket for foot massages and other romantic events.


  1. Hmm...does this mean I should stop texting you? Can I just cut out the middle man and just text Babygirl?

    Christina: Hey Babygirl! You coming out or what?

    Babygirl: Nah, it's too much fun staying in and having everyone tell my Mommy what to do.

    Christina: Well, if you come out people will still do that, but much more and about a wider variety of topics.

    Babygirl: Didn't anyone buy me that onesie that said" My Mommy doesn't want your advice?"

    Christina: I'm not sure, but it sounds like a good welcome Babygirl gift.

    Babygirl: Okay well, if I decide to come out sometime I'll let you know.

    Christina: Cool, well enjoy your warm cushy uterus.

    Babygirl: yeah you too! oh wait that was embarrassing, I hate when that happens.

    Christina: Lol

  2. By the fourth kid (including the third, who was 13 days past the Official Date), I was SO SICK of everyone obsessing over due dates, I had a mountain of information to indignantly spout at anyone who talked about inducing or such things. And then Lincoln came two days before my due date and took all the wind out of my sails. I hope for the sleeping ease and the fun of meeting your sweet girl, it's soon, but she'll come when she's ready!

  3. I am an impatient sort. With Orianna, we were trying all those things out a few days (okay it was a week and a half) before my actual due date. And nada. But she was born the day after her due date.

    HEY! You didn't mention castor oil. You take some and give yourself diarhea, and in the midst of horrendous gastrointestinal issues you should start having contractions that feel like gastrointestinal issues. Like pain to the second power. I would imagine you would want to die at that point to get it to stop.

    I am okay with babygirl waiting, since her gift is sitting here waiting for an address. If she procrastinates, so can I!

    Good luck with convincing her to come out!

  4. Thanks for the giggle! She will come when she is good and ready!


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