Friday, February 1, 2013

Pictures of a little girl

Penelope has suddenly become attached to Bobby. Which is kinda cute because Bobby was Wayne's Cabbage Patch Doll as a kid.

 Penelope has also decided that she likes coloring.
She spends lots of times coloring, luckily the majority of that time is on paper! 
 Penelope loves when dad shares the headphones with her (yep, Statler Bros)

 And....we had puddles one day!!

 Penelope likes to scoot up the chairs to the window. She also figured out she can stand on the windowsill.


  1. I love Penelope's balancing antics! She's bound to be a gymnast yet! And seeing Bobby brought me right back to being a youngster again. I even remember the sound of the Velcro in back.


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