Thursday, February 14, 2013

Super Bowl IVVIB!

We had a GREAT Super Bowl Sunday a few weeks ago. We partied like animals!

I usually don't get into the Super Bowl, but this year I knew both teams that were playing. We even knew the mascot for Baltimore: the Bengals!

On Super Bowl Sunday we were headed back from Boise. We passed through the Sovereign Nation of the Shoshone near Owyhee. Luckily they were lax on identification, as Penelope's passport had not arrived yet. They must not be lax on speeding, as it was the only stretch of highway that Wayne did not speed on. It's a cute little place, the next time we are driving through and Penelope is neither sleeping or screaming I will take pictures. It could be a while.

So this year we decided to celebrate the Super Bowl. On the way back home we bought a huge bucket of fried chicken from KFC. We arrived home and feasted, watched Penelope play, and took naps.  As usual, I don't know who won the football game. Now that's my kind of Super Bowl.


Today the National Highway Safety Administration recommends that children stay in car seats until they reach 8-12 years old, or when the are able to 'fit properly' into the seat and seat belt. In other words, when your child is an adult they can safely sit in a car wearing only (!) a seatbelt.

This seems a bit drastic, but I am all for safety, so we wear seat belts and Penelope will be secured in five-point harness until she goes to college.

However, when your child reaches school age, it's time to kiss and hug them and send them merrily off to school in a huge yellow chunk of steel on wheels. With no seatbelt at all, never mind a rear-facing safety enclosure. DOES NOBODY EVER THINK ABOUT THIS? Most school buses have no seat belts. Except for the driver, who apparently is the only one who deserves to live in the even of an accident.


  1. Umm...I don't see a safety restraint mechanism on that box. She could fall out and break her neck.

  2. I have oft wondered about why school buses get a free pass from the safety paranoia.


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