Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine 5K

Large stained glass windows and cute fold-down chairs.
Wayne getting ready to start.
This picture is for my mom - the guy running in 'barefoot' shoes. He wore some Hawaiian swim trunks to complete his outfit. Very cute. (Also, he beat Wayne!! So we got a laugh out of it - I mean were VERY impressed Mom!.)

 And typical Lamoille - a trailer came through the race with two saddled quarter horses in the back.

 Wayne almost to the finish:

 It was about 20 degrees out, but nice and sunshine-y. Penelope slept most of the time in her stroller.


  1. BRRR!!! But I'll bet you were warm enough running. There's always the toe-shoe people...and the disgusting part is, they are usually good runners....hey, I just had a thought. That's what makes a good runner? I am headed to REI. :)


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