Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day

On Valentines day, a strange delivery van drove into our drive and out came a huge vase with a huge arrangement of flowers in it. I had forbid Wayne from getting me flowers, so as I set them down, I mentally planned on calling him, and maybe taking a picture and blogging about it.

But first I looked at the card. It read:

"Love, Eric, Gordon & Mack"

Oh, so they aren't from Wayne. They are from....Eric, Gordon & Mack. I wondered who would send us a huge arrangement of flowers for Valentine's Day. Was this the sort of thing that we were supposed to be sending work associates or long lost relatives?

Finally it dawned on me that Eric, Gordon & Mack where our next door neighbors. The flowers were not for me at all, they were just mis-delivered. They were for Eric's wife, Jill.

So I grabbed a bundled up Penelope in one hand, and the giant vase in another hand and trompsed next door. I saw Jill in the back yard, so walked back there.

"Jill, I have some flowers for you!" I yelled. She came walking over with the most quizical look on her face. "They were delivered to our house by mistake," I said.

"OH!" She said. "I thought YOU had gotten me flowers for Valentine's Day. I didn't think I was THAT good of a neighbor."

I got a small chuckle out of that, and later was recalling a conversation I had with her daughter, Mack. I was showing her one of our kittens last year, when she asked if it was a boy or a girl. I told her I didn't actually know. She looked at the kitten, and then confidently replied, "It's a boy." I asked her how she knew. "The kitty has green eyes. If they have green eyes they are girls, if they have blue eyes they are a boy." I told her that I had blue eyes and I was a girl. She paused and looked into my eyes, as if I might be lying, and then replied, "No, you are a boy." And that was the end of it. It didn't matter that I was six months pregnant with long hair. I was a boy as far as she was concerned.

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