Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Puppy immune systems

Did you know that puppies have a very fragile immune system? One that is so succeptible to the diseases and horrors of the world it is a miracle that any of them survive until doghood.

Last Friday we put Penelope in the car and went to a work function of Wayne's. As we emerged from the car, Wayne proudly tucking the carseat handle under one arm, we ran into a co-worker and her dog, Molly.

Now, we think our baby Penelope is perfectly perfect, beautiful, and wonderful, but we do not require or expect others to feel that way. You do not need to coo and coddle our young offspring in order to make us feel accomplished as parents.

So co-worker walks next to us and after as brief glance at the carseat, says, "I'm sorry, but is it safe to bring her out?"

Well, I wasn't exactly sure what she meant. Safe to bring her out of the house? Safe to have her outside? Safe to bring her out of the car? Safe to have her out of my overdue womb? I assumed she meant safe to bring out of the house, so I said something like, "it's fine."

To this co-worker responded, "Well, I was just wondering, because when Molly was a puppy, I couldn't take her out for 4 months because of her weak immune system."

Wow, 4 months is a long time. Actually, it is a really long time in dog years. It is 5-6 dog years. So don't expect to see us in the next half decade, as we will be keeping Penelope in so she never has to experience a cold or virus.

As a side note, I heard from someone else, that said co-worker plans to have 6 children. Man, she's going to be spending a lot of time at home.


  1. Haha! I would stock up on some good books before you begin your hibernation.

  2. 6 kids x 6 years-- that IS a long time! Neurotic people are so interesting! :-)

  3. I love it when people question your choices, I love it even more when those same people don't have kids of their own.

    You should have suggested to her that perhaps she should have BF her infant dog, and it would made her immune system stronger.


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