Sunday, October 23, 2011

Career Woman

Friday I found a whole new realm of subjects to blog about.

Let me back up. Last year when we moved, I decided to look into substitute teaching. When I was in school, the requirements for substitute teaching were 1) use a copy machine 2) operate a VCR and 3) breathe. Nevada, however, is apparently a bit more refined. You must either have any 4 year college degree, or about 70 credits of college, 6 of which must be education related. I have taken at least 70 credits of college, but only three credits that were education related. So last spring I took three 1-credit classes to fulfill the requirement to get a substitute teachers' license. Then I sent in to the state to get my license.

So now that I have the license, am registered with the local schools and Penelope can be left with Daddy for the day, I am ready to teach!

Last Friday, I got a call to substitute a first grade class. I quickly found a new venue of blogging ideas. I may even have to create another blog dedicated to my substitute teaching escapades.

So I left Daddy and Penelope with diapers, milk and kisses, and drove off to be a career woman for a day.

These first graders were absolutely wild the whole day, and I got several sympathetic looks and "I'm so sorry...that's a tough class" from the other teachers. But all things considered, I had a great time. It was a nice change of pace, and, well, first graders can be hilarious! Some problems we dealt with: 4 girls had fingers that 'hurt', 5 children had stomach aches, 4 were reduced to tears, and one whose family 'couldn't afford' pictures:(. (It was picture day) Pupils were pushed, they were poked, and they slammed each others' heads onto their desks.

Here are some of the things they said:

Girl to boy: "I have a crush on you!"
Boy: "Nu-Uh"
Girl: "Yes I do! So does Riley!"
Boy: Shaking his head, "I'm not gonna trust it...ever"

Boy to another boy: "Are you Chinese boy or Mexican?"

Finally, I will leave you with this fine art and composition by one of the students:


  1. Alright, what is that kid saying? Does it have anything to do with going to war and a hairy foot? How did Wayne do with Penelope to himself for the day? I liked subbing in AK. Never boring!

  2. I'm not sure. Here's what I see: "I see you foot, and it is hairy but I have to wait because there's too ?"
    Wayne did great!


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