Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Something's afoot in Vancouver

This post has nothing do with Me, Wayne, babygirl, or anything remotely related to us. However, I found the following article very interesting. Read the article here:

"the latest in roughly dozen such cases since 2007"

"Police so far have no theories about how or why the foot ended up in the water"

"In previous cases, police have said it appeared the feet separated from bodies naturally in the water and foul play wasn't suspected"

Let me get this straight. 1)No one knows why the feet were found in the water. 2)This has happened about 12 times in the last 4 years. 3)Human feet 'naturally' separate from their owner's body in water. Interesting fact. 4)Foul play is not suspected.

Hmm, so another day, another foot in Vancouver. A human foot is bobbing along the shore and it's normal? I have to assume then that there is also a body that this foot belongs to, and it is also bobbing along somewhere in the ocean, and no one is concerned about it? So if between 6 and 12 bodies floated ashore in Vancouver, it would be a normal occurrence and no foul play would be expected? Do feet just happen to wash ashore randomly in other bay cities? Why haven't they been finding any heads, hands, or other parts to these bodies?

I think this story is extremely interesting, if a bit morbid. If you are as engrossed as I am, you would also enjoy the Wikipedia article about the events. It offers much more information, and feasible theories as to why.


  1. This was utterly fascinating. Morbidly fascinating. It is like some horrible person with a foot fetish is slowly releasing their collection. Interesting about the possible connection to the Tsunami. "Statistically curious" is a new and fabulous phrase. And I like how the foot found in the US was determined to have probably come from Canadian waters. Hmm... only canadians have weird floaty feet. Also, did you notice how many were in sneakers? Obviously sneakers are dangerous.

  2. Yes, we should definitely start using "statistically curious" more often!


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