Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to name a baby

No, we have not decided on a name for Babygirl yet. Even though there has been no lack of suggestions and time spent online at, it has been harder than we thought to pick out a name. The good names seem to be either overused or we can think of someone with the same name that we don't really want Babygirl to be named after! For instance, Wayne writes down a list of nice pretty girl names. Then we realize his list is nearly identical to the top 20 baby girl names of 2010. We can't have our Babygirl going to kindergarten with 5 other Olivia's! I have recently picked out two of the nicest, sweetest, best names. Feeling quite proud of myself I looked them up only to find out they have recently made huge jumps to the top 50 names predicted for 2011! So we move on to different names....maybe some French or Italian names. But what adults, never mind children, know how to pronounce "Roesia" or "Huguetta"?

Let's move on to the suggestions given. My cousin's preschool aged boys have been very helpful. They think Pinky, Thunder, Miss Sally, and Blue Bear are nice names. My dad has said there are plenty of good names out there...Ken, Jack & Ike would be nice. When I asked what names if it's a girl, he said those same names would be fine. My friend Cori is set on Serendipity, and Stephanie Kinney thinks She-Wayne is an excellent name. Another friend dreamed we had our baby, and named it Cameron.

We are hoping Babygirl will have a name by the time she leaves the hospital. One that is not too common, too weird, too old, too boy-ish, or the same name as our neighbor's dog! (should be safe here, our neighbor's dog is Gus) Hey, that gives me a few ideas....Gusele, Gussa, Gussy?


  1. We liked looking at the SSN website you can search by year, it's kind of fun.

  2. Well it can't rhyme with anything either. Way to easy for kindergarteners to make up mean recess chants and insults.

  3. Hey!!! How about Brookie! We aren't your neighbors!

  4. Girls names are SO much more dated than boys. The boys name list in 1900 isn't too much different. The girls? Completely different. We named Lily Lillian, a sweet old fashioned name, and found out it is in the top 10/20 names. Orianna, has never even cracked the top 1000 according to
    Some of my favorite names when we were considering names, Amelia, Eloise, Graciella, Nora, Penelope (Penny is a cute nickname!) Kate... I can't think of others. Just to be a groupie, I like Phillipa because I LOVE the name Pippa. How cute for a little girl! But that would be SO 2011.
    So I am no help. :-) Good luck. And just remember, we will be judging you by her name. ;-)

  5. I think I've depleted my name resources by having four kids. We didn't decide on Lincoln's name until two days before the birth! I'm sure I had interesting ones picked out at other times, but the only ones I can remember right now are the Lincoln alternatives, which aren't going to help Babygirl Douglas a whole lot. Unless you name her after the fascinatingly named Cousin Clover... ;-)

  6. Aleta, Liza, Hannah, Terin (tear'in) , Viv, Sadie, Andrea, Nivea, opal, Corin, regan :) I love names and naming our kids was one of the very best parts of the whole exp :) I could go on and on and on!!!

  7. More suggestions have been pouring in:
    Fiona, Amaryllis, Myla, Shayna, Angela, Suzanna, Aimee and Sunnee...

  8. I am PRETTY sure that Fiona was a pretty strong contender for JoAnna's name. Or maybe when they were expecting Philip. Either way, it definitely has a Douglas Family History!


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