Friday, August 26, 2011

Pregnancy Lament

Some women just adore being pregnant. They glow, they have energy, they marvel at the tiny miracle happening inside of them. My body apparently didn't get the memo. So here is my memo to body:

To: Body

From: Self

Date: August 25, 2011

Subject: Pregnancy Lament

Dear Body, I know you are growing a precious little human that I can feel moving around inside of me. I want it to grow and be healthy and smart and cute, there are just a few things I am looking forward to when you are finished incubating this fetus:

I would like to sleep on my back again.
I would be overjoyed to be able to speak more than one sentence without getting out of breath.
It will be just lovely when I can eat a meal in which dessert does not consist of Tums.
I want to be able to jump, run, hike, and ski again, but would be content if I could just do one sit-up.
It would be a welcome change to cough or brush my teeth without gagging.
Perhaps it wouldn't be too much to ask if I could get out of my easy chair without a private pep talk (one, two, three...PUSH)
Oh, and Body, one more thing, please, I would like not have to worry when I laugh or sneeze in public. Body, you just don't work like you used to.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sheena, I feel your pain! :-) I remember that whole sleeping on the back thing. I used to worry that I would forget half way through the night and starve my baby of oxygen. After delivery, I remember going home and sleeping on my back and feeling so indulgent.
    Haha love the private pep talk!
    And for a little too much info, I sneezed and thought my water broke with Lily. After creating a large fuss involving my brother-in-law, sister, AND sister's father in law, I went to the doctor to be told, No. That was NOT your water breaking. Pregnancy is so very humbling.
    Enjoy your last few weeks of being incapacitated! :-)


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