Saturday, November 3, 2012

Piano Recital

Penelope likes to play the piano, but MUST have the music there to play! Sometimes she will stop and turn the pages of her hymn book to play a different song. Sometime she 'plays' the music up on the music stand above her, and grunts and whines and points until someone turns the page for her. Then it is back to playing!


  1. She's going to be a piano genius like her grandpa! :-) I like how she insists on the music-- no playing by ear for this girl!

  2. That is too cute - it is fun to watch them do unique things that make them who they are. By the way, I found some of your comments in my Spam folder, I don't know why my blogger does that. It doesn't ever post comments from my Aunt, my spam folder was full. I just didn't want you to think I was deleting your comments.


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