Friday, November 16, 2012

Fun in a Verizon Store

Ok, Janet, since you are semi-patiently awaiting my next post here you go. Today I will divulge the top secret story about the time I passed out in a Verizon store:

Eat. Even if I am sick, I must eat. Or bad things happen.

Once upon a time, back when I still had two arms and stomach muscles, I found out I was expecting a baby. Those first few weeks and months are a spiral of thoughts and emotions, from "I can't believe I'm pregnant," to "When can I start shopping for baby things?" The day I went to the Verizon store was somewhere between, "Will this nausea ever end," and "I don't want anyone to know I'm pregnant."

It was winter, and I had dressed in several warm layers to go to town. The Verizon store is where my good friend Cori works. So as she helped me, I was feeling sick, and well, warm. Then I started feeling even warmer. Then I took one of my jackets off and felt even warmer!! Then, drumroll.....I collapsed into a limp jellyfish as Cori caught me and held onto me until I started coming back around.

As I came to, I Cori was saying something like, "Sheena! Sheena! Are you OK?!?" and everyone in the store was staring. Someone got me a chair to sit down in and I just sat their trying to breathe and telling Cori I was fine. Just fine. The nice Verizon people let me relax in their office for a bit, and fed me some much needed food. One of Cori's co-workers blurts out, "You're not pregnant, ARE YOU?"

"Ahhh, well, yeah I guess I am," I said sheepishly. So I figured I better tell Cori so she didn't hear the big news through the office grapevine.

Cori just rolled her eyes a little and said, "I thought so...." So much for secrets between friends!

Now whenever I need to go to Verizon, whoever helps me usually looks at me, "You look familiar..." and I say, "Yep, I'm the one who passed out in your store."

So if I ever look a little woozy, please bring me some food. Preferably a Starbucks and a cheese danish.

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