Sunday, October 21, 2012

Visiting South Dakota

 Here are the rest of the pictures from our trip to South Dakota. 

 Helping Grandpa feed the buffalo calves

Getting a hug from Grandpa, but not too happy about it. 
 Helping Grandpa feed.
Jack, the horse, decided the bird feeder was his personal snack.
P wasn't so sure about Grandma's burros.
 Chilling with Grandma
 Helping Grandma at the newspaper office.
 Playing in the Edgemont Park
Things get serious when the tongue comes out.
 See what I mean?

One last visit to Scott & Rachel's. Scott and Aleah above.
Penelope and Bradley had fun playing.
 And pretending they were sleeping.

Edgemont is still a very small town. Things I heard: (mom don't print this in the paper!!)

-Someone I don't know stopped me on the sidewalk, "Oh, is this Penelope?" 

-Me: "I'm Annee Cassens' daughter." Other person: "Oh! You're Penelope's mom!"

-"I haven't ever seen you around town before...." 

And a final parting shot:
Yes, very exciting, I know. But, this is how I spent 1/3 of my childhood. Waiting for a train to pass at this very railroad crossing. What great memories!!

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