Thursday, October 11, 2012

The New Rockin' Rapid Crew

When Wayne & I lived in Rapid City, we were part of the o-so-exclusive 'Rockin' Rapid' club. Some of the things the Rockin' Rapid crew would do: disc golfing, rook, boating, camping, Diet Coke (yes, Diet Coke is something you 'do'), hunting, Sunday night pancake suppers, Spearfish Canyon every fall, hiking Harney Peak, and eating lots and lots of Dougla-burgers.

The new Rockin' Rapid Crew consists of tending a younger generation. We spent time with cousins Bradley & Aleah.

 Bradley loved getting his photo taken. The girls didn't as much. I think the cool kids call it 'photo-bombing' now-a-days.
 All three ready to go!
 Trying to get a pic of all three together:

 Epic Fail. And......drumroll please..................DOUGLABURGER FEAST!!
 Lovin' with Lana:

 Penelope & Mericio
 Penelope & Penelope. The look so much alike too!
 And last but not least, the Barsch kiddos!

Parting shot....Trace Overby's awesome pimped out car! It is a limited edition v8!

1 comment:

  1. awwww....the rockin' rapid crew!! remember it fondly. and now they are just a bunch a cuties trying to out do and replace us true-and-tried ones. sighhhh. :) got some cute pictures!!! hardly can wait to see Miss Penelope next month!


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