Saturday, October 13, 2012

F in Government

We once knew this cool, hip couple that we hung out with a lot. Now they have become old fogies.

Mrs. Old Fogie now sorts her vitamins into those containers that have a compartment for each day of the week. Yep, she is getting on in years.

Anyway, a conversation we heard:

Mrs. Old Fogie looks at her son and suddenly says, "Why is there an F in Government?!"

Mr. Old Fogie (who heard "Why is there an effing Government?") says: "Dear! Well we have to have a government!"

At this point I have no idea what is going on, wondering if someone spelled government with an F in it. But Mrs. Old Fogie clarifies. She was asking her son why he had an F grade in Government. She is still sane and well, at least for a few more years.

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