Monday, September 24, 2012

September Update

This last weekend was the annual balloon festival we go to. It was a bit nostalgic, because last year we went to it, and that evening we went to the hospital and Penelope was born!

 Ever sat around wondering what would happen if a pacifier got ran over by a lawn mower? I didn't think so....but this is what is left of P's paci & ribbon holder:
 Busy playing....

 Opening her gift from Grandma C.
 I love fall in Nevada. This morning was the first snow on the tips of the Rubies and today is the first day that long sleeves are actually needed. It is supposed to be warm and mild again after today.
P continues to love her boys....hours could be spent getting whiplash as she is pulled from one end of the house to the other at high speeds:


  1. Happy Birthday to her!!!!! Give her a birthday huggle from us all!

  2. Happy Birthday, Penelope! That last picture looks like she is related to Jaxon! :) Fun times!

  3. I was just getting on here to say that last picture totally looks just like Jaxon, but it looks like Aunt Bean beat me to the punch!! W-O-W.


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