Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Our little girl

It seems like our baby turned into a little girl over the last week or so. I've been wanting to get a video up of her walking - here it is. She is also babbling lots, and says 'Dad' and 'cat' very clearly.


  1. Look at her go! It is funny how all the sudden they seem to not just a baby anymore! Give her a hug from us!

  2. AW-Love that baby girl and I've never even met her!

  3. haha- cute. Ryker has been walking for a month or so but he just "perfected" his walk. It's cute seeing them learn- they look like newborn calves. It is weird how just one day all of sudden they're pro's. Sad.

  4. Sheena! thanks for the comment on my blog. I told my parents that you said hi..they do remember you :) I had a great time in Europe! now I'm back in Ottawa and just realizing that you have another blog besides the travelling one...have some catching up to do!!! ;)


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