Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Brynn's Birthday at the Zoo

Train Ride
Boden is either trying to strangle Pippy or telling her a secret. 

Waiting for the carousel 

Boden, Pippy, Jenna & Joelle
Pippy's card for Brynn

Pippy, Jenna, Joelle& Boden being basically drug by Bray (middle). Haha, they all had fun. 

Brynn and Malia 

Trying to get 10 kids their cupcakes all at once. 

Brynn did NOT want to be an eaglet. 

Riding the carousel

Brynn gets super excited anytime there is something resembling a mud puddle. 

After 3 hours of zoo, Pip hit her face and got a bloody nose. Then I let them play in the fountain area, where they both got soaked and their mom was mean enough to refuse them a large pretzel. Then they were both piled into a one-kid sized stroller and screamed while I pushed UPHILL to the exit. (Totally a marketing strategy) 
I'm gonna miss this someday. 

1 comment:

  1. loved getting caught up in all your blogs, made me chuckle, yes, you will miss these days!!


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