Monday, September 28, 2015


We sold our house in Spring Creek. In preparation, we wanted to pump the septic tank. So I got on the phone and called a guy at Rooter Tooter. The guy I spoke with didn't really know what was going on, but took a message for me. 

The conversation went something like this:

Rooter: Ah, so, let me get your phone number. I guess it's probably the same number that showed up on my screen?
Me: Yes that's right.
Rooter: Ok, got it. Do you need those first numbers? The 6 - 0 whatever??
Me: The area code?
Rooter: Ah, those first numbers.
Me: Well, yes, if you want to get a hold of me.
Rooter: Oh, OK. Let's see, and name? 
Me: Sheena Douglas
Rooter: OK, and….husband's name?
Me: Do I need a husband to have my septic pumped?
Rooter: Huh??
Me: Wayne
Rooter: Ok, his name is Wayne.

I guess Rooter never figured out how to dial my number, with that confusing area code and all, because I never heard from him again. (Neither did Wayne) 

The next place I called set up a time to pump the tank, but they don't 'find and dig' the hole to it. Did we want to do it ourselves? You'd think this would be somewhat a given, no we want you to pump the septic, and anything else that is involved with septics. As far as we know the septic is some invisible bunker that you need a fairy key to get into. So since we didn't we didn't have the fairy key, the company gave us the name of this gnarly dude that would come out the day before and 'find and dig' the septic.

I wish you could see clearer from the picture, but this guy was the cutest crusty bearded old guy you've ever seen. You'd think we lived in a mining community [in the 1850s].

Pumping the septic tank: $748
'Find and Dig': $160
Cute Crusty Bearded Guy: Priceless


  1. Awesome! We have been thinking about having our septic pumped, but are stymied by the finding of it. (By stymied, I mean, we have no such thing as a find and dig guy (that I know of) and we haven't ever tried to find it yet.) Do you think crusty, bearded guy would be willing to travel? ;-) And hey! Your house! Big changes. Mom was talking to Scott last night, so hear a little about it. Hope it all settles down nicely!

  2. oh my that was hilarious!! Worth the money for such an awesome entertainment, should be on reality TV or something, uh, yes, now, that I have your septic dug up, what would you like me to do, Sheena, uh, why don't you jump in it.


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