Monday, September 28, 2015

Birthday Party at the Zoo

After 349 days of waiting, Pippy is now four years old! We've been somewhat occupied with moving, but have been planning for a while (243 days) to have a Curious George Birthday Party. By a stroke of luck, two of Pippy's closest friends were planning a trip to the zoo, so it worked out perfectly to meet them there and do a party, and spend the day a the zoo!
Making the cupcakes the night before

We love you Pinterest!!

Pip with Natalee, Audree and Olivia in the Eagle's nest

Table complete with Curious George fruit snacks, cupcakes and Barrel 'o Monkeys favors. (Yes, those plates & cups are supposed to look like the Man with the Yellow Hat's hat!)

Pippy isn't the only Daddy's Girl.

The carousel ride was a huge hit.


Riding the train with Olivia and her daddy.

Pippy Kate we love you!

Lunch and cake with our friends

Day not complete without an ice cream cone!

1 comment:

  1. Love pippy's glee-filled expressions!!! How fun to have a curious George party!


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