Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Men Cook Mother's Day Potluck

Penelope and I are going to visit some family here shortly, and I have heard we will be attending a Mother's Day Potluck - where the men are bringing dishes to share.

Bwaaa-hahaha. Snort. Tehehe

I'm sorry guys, truly. I'm sure it's going to be great. Wonderful, really, if you are cooking. If you do the clean up too that would be fantastic. The women will all be impressed.

However, the thought of it is totally making my day. I envision tables piled high with dead animals and burst out laughing. I wonder how many foods can be deep fat fried and giggle. I wonder how many casseroles are available at the grocery store deli.

So, here's to you, men: Thanks for making my day.

I'm sure I will be impressed beyond belief next Sunday. But until then, here are my predictions:

3 different chiles
1 dish with wild meat
6 bags of chips
1 potato casserole
no vegetables
1 jello salad
2 tubs of ice cream


  1. I will eagerly await to hear the actual menu.

  2. Can'tWait To Hear More On This DelightfuL Idea. I'm Sure Its Bound To Be Interesting!


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