Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fan Mail

I got this from my cousin Laura, who we saw last week and is mentioned in the More from our trip post.

Laura: Look boys! You are on Sheena’s blog! See?
Ian: That’s ME!
Caleb: OOOHHHH!!! (squeals) WE’RE FAMOUS!!!
Ian: What does it say? What does it SAY????
Laura: (reads it to them)
Ian: I’m Wayne’s best buddy!
Laura: No, it says you’re one of his best buddies.
Caleb: THAT’S NOT FAIR! I’m Wayne’s best buddy, too!
Ian: Maybe Wayne likes me more.
Laura: Quit fighting. Wayne likes you both the same. You’re both some of his best buddies.
Ian: Wayne’s FUNNY! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Caleb: He sure is! He sure is funny!
Ian and Caleb: AHHH! (screaming) HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!
Caleb: Hee Hee! Look! Look at his beard!
Ian and Caleb: BWAA HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Caleb: I miss him. I sure do.


Makes me reminisce about our trip together to St. John back in 2009. Ian was three and Caleb was one. One of the highlights of Wayne's trip was when we went for a hike and Wayne carried Caleb. "He was the first baby to ever fall asleep in my arms," Wayne will say with a bit of nostalgia. See Caleb? You and Ian and both Wayne's best buddies!

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