Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Flying -or- Sheena's personal rage on society

Obnoxious things about flying (Other than TSA, because that would require a whole book)

When you step inside an airport, normal, everyday, good people become psycho zombies. Suddenly people are serious, busy (even when waiting hours for a flight), stressed, and very, very important. (this isn't Air Force One, folks)

Join the Que: Lines
Everything must be done in a line. Are you in the right line? Did you move up in the line the socially acceptable distance - not too close though, we all need personal space. You won't get your Starbucks unless you stay in the line. Get in line! No not the standby line. You boarded with group B?!!! Your boarding pass clearly states Group C!!!! Now you have to be re-ticketed. Can I see you ID for the eleventh time?
If you have survived going through security you're most likely going to get on the airplane. Just relax.

The unwritten rules of flying

You may not smile or give any indication of having a good time. Flying is painful and scary, but something we all gotta do.
Take your finger and touch your neck right below and to the side of your chin. Feel that? It's called a pulse. Loosen up a little, or at least be civil.

Your kids ears are going to explode!!!
My kids ears have never exploded. Please stop telling me this.

Your life as you know it will cease if  -(pick one)- a)you are not upgraded to first class; b)the flight attendant runs out of pretzels; or c) you miss a flight.

Airport food is horrible. It just is. Even if you happen to like something, you never would admit it because, well, it's airport food! Because when you buy a Big Mac at Mcdonald's it tastes SO much different than if you bought that Big Mac at a Mcdonald's outside of the airport. And don't get me started about the cost. That's why you never see people eating or drinking in an airport.
If you want a $3 bottle of water, then buy one. If you think it's too expensive, then don't. It's not that complicated people. 

Ok, Personal rage complete. Now, our family loves flying! The girls almost always have a blast, and it's usually one of the best parts of a trip. Sure, it can be exhausting, but we get excited every time those engines propel us into the air. Or the snack cart comes by. I do love watching the thrill the girls get from airplanes.

I do find that people are wary of small children on airplanes, particularly when we sit down right next to them. They usually are stiff and serious, right up until we start descending to our arrival airport. Then they generally start to get chatty and compliment the children of how good they were on the flight. I think people just get nervous and assume the girls will cry the whole flight, vomit, and spill drinks everywhere. Once when the girls and I were flying alone, we were waiting to get off the airplane and a man that was seated behind us walked by and gave Pippy a silver dollar and told her she had been good on the flight. There's still kindness in the world after all!

Another time we had just had a very rough landing, and after hard braking the plane was completely silent and Brynn loudly said, "Oh! Wow!" A few people cracked smiles and laughed, especially me. See, there's still laughter in the world!

I hope that Pippy and Brynn never lose there love of travel, and they are always filled with awe when they are flying through the clouds.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! This is so true! People are so very uptight about traveling. A woman next to me last month was telling me that they had a layover in Denver and there were lightening storms, so their flight was delayed. She said she would never fly through Denver again. That was it. Her first and last time through Denver. Which kind of cracked me up. I have flown through Denver at least 20 times and never have had a delay. In normal life, people are slightly understanding of weather things, but in travel, it is the airport administration that is held personally responsible. "If they can't plan things better than that..." I feel the same way about airport food. We live in the back of beyond, so airports typically have a much wider selection of food than we are used to and I am always delighted with the possibilities. :-) I remember seeing an article about parents who made goodie bags with ear plugs and candy for every person on their flight. And one of the responses was "Um, why do people have to be convinced to behave like civilized humans on a flight with small children? No one should have to bribe adults with candy just to tolerate a baby." So true! Plus I don't ever want to feel like I need to make goodie bags for 75 people while I am in the midst of packing. If kids bother you that much, buy noise cancelling headphones.


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