Saturday, December 21, 2013

Pre Christmas Update

Well hello....I lost the cable to the camera but found a card reader. Anyway, not a whole lot has been going on here with the Wayshetribe, but here are a few picture. Grandma, Abigail, and Great Grandpa Cloyd got here today to spend the holidays with us.
Pippy loves taking care of her babies

making and feeding her babies elaborate meals

We stayed in a hotel and Penelope was very excited to go swimming.

Lots of time swimming

Scavenging for a snack
Did I mention she loves babies?

Pip and dad now have to sit by the 'songs' nearly every night and listen to music or occasionally sing themselves.


  1. Observe how I have finally figured out how to comment on your blog. Yay!

  2. Elsie is in the midst of her baby obsession too and I think little babies loving babies is one of the sweetest things in the whole wide world. :-)


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