Monday, July 15, 2013

Bible Lessons

My dear cousin Laura has been telling her boys Bible stories. Laura has three energetic boys. When I say energetic, I mean the crazy-wild-fearless-never-ending kind. I'm not sure Laura has had a decent nights' rest in seven years.

So Laura has been telling the boys stories from the Bible, no doubt to plant seeds of kindness, love, and good morals into their hearts. Or perhaps to teach them to have mercy on the cat.

One day, two of the boys came runnning to Laura to tell her that the third brother had probably broken his arm. Laura ran to find the third boy below a tree. The arm was luckily not broken.

After inquiring how the boy had gotten hurt, the boys readily told her how they were doing a reinactment of Zacheus - the man who climbed the tree to see Jesus. The boys were only trying to follow the advice of the Bible when one of them fell out of the tree.

Laura observed other, non life threatening reenactments, and decided the boys were back on the straight-and-narrow.

That is until she saw the three boys outside, eyeing the roof of the house. She then remembered that recently they had read the story about the man who was lowered through the rooftop to get to where Jesus was.

Laura came bolting out of the door, "NOOOOOO!!!!"


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