Monday, July 1, 2013

Are You Pregnant?

No, are you?

There comes a time when child number one reaches an age around 16-20 month when people around you start their silent (or vocal) unabashed wondering. Wondering if you have been sick a lot lately. Wondering if you have any plans 9 months from now. If you get sick, suddenly it is not the bug that has been going around, but morning sickness. A simple yawn is proof that you are exhausted from the rigors of the first trimester. "You haven't written an article in a month," also leads to--She has to be pregnant.

A few months ago, I was hesitating when to buy tickets to visit my parents. I get an email from my mother, "...I am thinking you are pregnant again and aren't feeling up to traveling..." Was that a question or a statement? Or just a woman's intuition?

Remember when you were a teenager and people started looking at your face, then down to your chest, then (usually) back up to your face? Lately, I have noticed a few people greet me, look blatantly at my belly, and then back up at my face. If you wear baggy clothes, you may start rumors about being six months along. If you are wearing fitting clothes, be sure to suck in that extra five that is hanging around from the last pregnancy. (I should clarify that I was speaking about teenage women. Men - if you are lost at this point, just shake your head and keep reading. Actually you can just skip this entire article, compliment a woman on her beautiful eyes, and find a Sports Illustrated.)

All of this wondering is not uncalled for. Most children are not only children, and many children are born within 18 to 36 months of their sibling(s).

Acquaintances are a lot less sensitive when questioning about subsequent children. From "Does Penelope like babies?" to no fuss "Are you pregnant" and "Are you trying?"

Lucky for my readers, if and when the time comes, you will know all the details. I am not one to sit back and silently suffer nausea, heartburn, and general hugeness. I plan to go on and on about my aches and pains. I can share all the details one can stomach. Maybe more. Anyone that is still loyally reading will have nausea themselves. The only wondering that will be going on will be wondering, "Is that baby EVER going to be born?!"


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