Friday, June 7, 2013

Hot Stone Massage

 I checked on Penelope one warm day this week. She was outside sitting in the shade with Orangie.
 Then I noticed Orangie was getting some petting/pounding....with a rock.
 Orangie just laid there, getting her 'hot stone massage' and relaxing in the shade. Penelope was quite pleased with herself.


  1. Pleased As Punch She Is! :) Orangie Seems Quite Satisfied With The Massage!

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  3. I think so That hot stone therapy is very relaxing to the muscles. Glad you shared how to have our do-it-yourself hot Hot Stone Massage stone massage.

  4. That is adorable! What's interesting is that your cat doesn't seem to mind the hot stone massage. If my daughter did something like that to our cat, he would be hiding under the couch. I guess that hot stone massage was actually relaxing. Whenever I go to the salon, a hot stone massage is my favorite thing to get.

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