Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Thrift Stores

While visiting Grandma Cassens last weekend, it was imperative that we went shopping. And nothing is more exciting for Grandma than thrift store shopping, unless it would be garage sale shopping. It's a close call. Anyway, we went thrift store shopping, and Grandma bought Penelope a little old red car. It's the kind that she can sit on and 'drive' or she can stand up behind and push. Penelope LOVES it, and has been spending hours a day playing with it. Unfortunately she is a climber, and within two days has learned to stand up on the seat of the car while holding on with only one hand. And sometimes dancing while standing up and holding on with one arm. It's a long way down from there, but so far she hasn't tumbled.

Yesterday, our friends Tanner and Jace were over, and they immediately noticed there was something different. They saw that the car wasn't brand new, but since it wasn't here the last time they were, they were a bit confused.

Tanner: "How come you guys have an old car?"

Me: "Because it is from a thrift store."

Tanner: ....blank look

Me: "Do you know what a thrift store is?"

Tanner: "No"

Me: "It's a store where you can buy stuff that someone already used and didn't want anymore. Some other kid probably had this car and got too big for it so took it to the thrift store."

Tanner: "But why would you buy an old car?"

Me: "Well, Penelope's Grandma likes thrift stores, so she bought it there."

Tanner: "Why didn't she just buy a new one?"

Me: Sigh.... "Because Grandma Cassens has an unnatural obsession with thrift stores and buying something at full price at a normal store would be sacrilege."

Just kidding, I didn't say that. But you get the gist of the story. Tanner and Jace proceeded to pick up toys and other random objects and ask if they had come from this alleged place called a 'thrift' store.

Ready for Driver's Ed

Getting pushed by Jace

This girl has no fear.

A wildfire close to where we live

 Tanner, Jace & Penelope
Look at how well I can sit in the chair!


  1. The Thrift store conversation with Tanner and Jace cracks me up! Half of our kids stuff comes from the thrift store. I think your grandma and I would get along great! :-D

  2. Esther has a pink horse about that size--she stands up on it too!


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