Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Solid - and not so solid - Foods

Penelope has reached that significant milestone of eating her first solid foods. Rice Cereal, peas, and bananas, all pureed into a thin, not-so-solid, mush.

Although Penelope has proven herself as a near-genius, she hasn't quite figured out eating. She usually does good for the first few bites. And usually does pretty good with the cereal.

She has decided that when she gets into her highchair it is the perfect time to perfect her motor noises. Motor noises, as in the pppftthpppthhff noise a motorcycle makes. The effect is enhanced when she has a mouthful of green peas.

Once we finish our motor training we move on to the beauty mask. Since there is already some sort of pureed food already covering much of Penelope's lips and chin, she takes both hands and begins to massage the puree around to cover the rest of her face. Sometimes we do a deep conditioning of the hair as well.

Sometimes I give her a baby cracker to munch on. She thinks she is pretty cool, holding onto a cracker and feeding herself. That is until she breaks off a piece. There it sits on her tongue while she gags and coughs until it either dissolves or is expelled.

It is a good thing that feeding at this age is more of a learning experience than a nutritional one, as I'm not sure how much food actually finds its way to her stomach.


  1. I always hated starting solid foods. I clung to any advice to delay starting until they were at least 6 months, maybe more! Nursing is so much less work than cleaning carrots off a highchair, and outfit, and the hair...

  2. Babys are fun to watch and listen too, can't wait to see her and you guys in 11 days! Yea!


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