Thursday, March 1, 2012

Snowy Day Random Thoughts

It has been snowing and blowing forociously here the last two days. Wayne has been busy as usual at work and I have been busy making Penne Pasta laugh, which luckily isn't too strenuous. Other than that it has been a quiet newsless week.

Item #1

My mother, the newspaper baron of Edgemont, thinks that the reason I write this blog so she can use my posts as a column in her newspaper. Which is fine, and makes me feel super famous. To the 724 citizens of Edgemont, that is. Anyhow, I get an email the other day:
"I love the pictures, but I NEED STORIES!" Who knew the readers of Edgemont would be more demanding than an infant!

Item #2

Penelope is now doing 360's. Normally, when I put her on the floor to play, she immediately turns over onto her belly, and scoots herself around in circles, playing with toys. Very talented.

Item #3

The large appetite I had a few months ago has subsided a bit. However, I am proud of a recent meal I ate. Wayne & I went to an appreciation dinner with some of his associates the other night. Aunt Jenny (honorary aunt) watched Penelope, so it was really a treat to go out for the second time sans child! We went to 'The Star': Basque food, which is popular here. I think Basques must be giants, because this is what they serve you: Soup. Salad. Bread. Five side dishes. Yes, five large platters of side dishes that are served family-style. Oh, yes, and your meal. So I ordered a the filet and crab meal. A decent sized filet and one pound of king crab. It was delicious! And I put those miners to shame by eating every bite!

Item #4
I was excited to see on the scale that I had lost two more pounds, despite the Star dinner! It is also noteworthy that the easiest way to make Penelope laugh is by doing excersizes in the living room. I will do a few squats and sit-ups now and then, and Penelope thinks it's hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. we all love your posts here at the Douglas' news that's worthy to be read, we will call it the Penelope Post, makes for a delightful title! Keep posting, we love every scrap of print and pics! I think the cats have also gotten alot bigger since we saw you in November!


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