Friday, March 2, 2012

She's a Genius!

We have decided that Penelope is a genius. This is no new development, it started when we brought her home from the hospital: Look, she kicks her legs; she's a genius. She watches you talking; she's a genius.

And later: She can put her pacifier back in her mouth; she's a genius. Hey, she figured out that if mommy ignores her when she wakes up at night and cries, daddy will come and get her; she's a genius.

One of the most recent signs that she is a genius was with the piano. Daddy regularily holds her while playing the piano. And now she will bang on the keys herself occationally. What a smart baby! She will be playng Mozart before she's out of diapers!

She did do something the other day that I did think was especially clever. She was sitting in her swing with a large ball-play-thing. Her legs were hanging over the front of the swing and she would push her ball down onto her legs, then lift the ball back up so it would slide back into her lap. Without dropping it! I thought it must just be coincidence, but then she did it again! And again! Well, the third time she dropped it, but I think doing it twice classifies her as genious type 1.

What good genes she has. Lucky girl.


  1. Of course she is!! And if you have any doubts about it, just ask one of her grandparents. :)

  2. that is pretty clever with the ball Sheena, but what do you expect from a "Douglas/Cassens"!! Genius in the makings! :)


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