Sunday, May 3, 2015

Baby No. 2

I suppose the throngs of Wayshetribe readers have been greatly anticipating my insight, opinions and dialogue on the transition from having one child to two. You poor souls.

Who has the most [unwanted] advice about child-rearing? Someone who has no children, of course! This is a common predicament. Who has the least amount of advice? Well, recently I have come to the conclusion that unwanted advice has a direct correlation with number of children. The more children people have, the less likely they are to smother other mom's in their this-way-or-the-highway advice. Or maybe they are just too sleep deprived to care. I've recently visited with a few fellow mom's that have five children. Other than a slightly glazed look and occasional greasy-hair, they appear to be normal functioning adults. Yet I have not heard one judgmental or even opinionated word come from them.

The first item I would like to discus is washing your hands. When you have a newborn, it is vital that you keep a completely germ-free, disinfected environment for that tiny little bean. New mom's are supposed to wash their hands: Before and after changing diapers. Before and after breastfeeding. Before and after pumping. Before and after eating. Before and after using the restroom. Any time you touch your baby's face. Upon returning home from the store/town/park etc. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES A DAY THAT IS??? Do you know how many diapers 3 week old babies go through? Do you know how many times the post-partum body needs to pee? Plan on washing your hands any moment you aren't otherwise occupied with your infant, sleeping, or eating. (Never.)

Somewhere I read that you are not supposed to carry your coffee while holding your infant. *snicker* How about drinking your coffee, bathing your toddler, and cooking dinner while holding your infant?

I don't think I ever really pictured myself having girls. I thought I would just have a rambunctious family of boys. (Tomboy at heart I guess!) But I really like that we got two girls. They completely melt Wayne & my hearts. People keep asking if we will try again for a boy....and I keep thinking, "NO!!! But I'd try again for another little girl!!"

I do LOVE having two girls. I have told people several times over the past 8 months that having two children has been easier for me and way more fun than having one ever was. Brynn has been a good baby, but regardless of that I have really enjoyed being a family of four. Yes I am becoming a puddle of sappy goo, but it is true. I am a very happy puddle of goo.


  1. This makes me chuckle profusely. Haha haha you mean us child-free adults aren't a mother lode of parenting does and don'ts?? Imagine that. :) I am very glad you're a happy sappy pile of goo. :)

  2. Ohhh! How happy! I think I am a happier mother now, with four, then I was with one. There were just so many unknowns. And I only had six months with Orianna before I was pregnant again, so that might have something to do with it. :-) And I feel more settled in life than I did nine years ago. I totally remember being full of ideas and notions pre-birth, pre-motherhood. I have been humbled.

  3. I was eating a cherry when I was reading this and was laughing and nearly swallowed the whole cherry! Those books might have been written by doctors without children thinking they were germs rather than sweet little gems that are bullet proof and so are moms!!


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