Sunday, June 8, 2014

Boise Ironman 70.3

We went to Boise for Wayne to do an Ironman 70.3. Our usual pals, Todd & Dini were there too with their fifth-wheel, so they have been taking wonderful care of us!
In the morning getting ready.

Apparently these are the cool kids.

We told Wayne and Todd to flex and show us their best pose, so they turned around and flexed their calves and....other muscles. Whoever said girls are the only ones who get silly and giddy clearly have never seen these guys before a race.
Helping dad get ready the day before
My brush with fame!!! This is Apolo Ohno...Remember him? At the Vancouver Olympics he did well at speed skating. Apparently his current endeavor is to do the Ironman in Kona, so he came to Boise to qualify for the Kona race.

Lots of waiting and cheering

Todd finishing

Wayne smiling...almost to the finish!

Wayne finishing his first Ironman 70.3!
Pippy cheering in the Ironman shirt daddy got her.
At the Finish

After the race with Todd & Dini

My overall impression of the race is that I would rather be in childbirth in a desert with  no drugs than have to run an Ironman. Very impressed with Wayne, Todd, the man with one leg, the man who looked like he weighed 350 pounds, the man who overcame Leukemia, and all the other athletes that successfully completed the race. By the time the race was finished, I was waddling and hobbling around the park, just like everyone else.


  1. I feel the same way about ironman races. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF? Which is probably what makes it so impressive. Way to go Wayne, Todd, and one legged man!

  2. Congratulations Wayne! We had to look up what was involved in ironman races and now we're REALLY impressed. WOWOWOWOWO!! What a fun event for everyone and sounds like you're feeling good Sheena. Love the pictures of P too! - Helen

  3. not like the last one where you had to push your bike the last mile because of having 2 flat tires!! Nice finish! enjoyed the pics. Way to go!!

  4. I'd have to agree. The overall level of self induced torture is a bit much for my brain to understand as I comfortably sit in the comfort of AC on the couch. Congrats Wayne!


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