Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pippy Singing and Playing the Guitar

OK, Grandma C, You asked for it.

Also notice how I am told "Don't Sing Mommy!!" As a side note, I was once told by another person in the household, who shall remain nameless, that I was never to sing around our children. I was tone-deaf and would 'ruin' them.

I guess I'll stick with recording videos and documenting our lives one blog at a time. Maybe Karate Kid will like my singing.

Also, I would like to personally thank the famous Jaxon R. for teaching Penelope about the volume level called LOUD.

As another side note, Penelope has a near meltdown every day over when we will see the cousins again. If she doesn't, right before bed she gets all weepy and says, "Daddy, when we see the cousins? We see the cousins soon." Sniffle sniffle.

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