Tuesday, May 29, 2012

CAUTION: Lots of Pictures

For those people that feed moose...
And we got a kick out of this sign:
Near as we can tell, it means: "Watch out for businessmen saying 'yes'"
It seemed like P and Wayne really bonded over the 4-day Memorial Day weekend. 
 I got to plant flowers, with the hope that there will be no more hard frosts. Wayne set out some towels for Penelope to sit on and watch while the flowers were being planted. (So she doesn't come across any gopher guts.) Ruby the cat decided to come play. Ruby would burrow under the blankets until Penelope came and grabbed her. Then she would move a lithe further under the blankets...etc. It was actually very cute.

Reaching for the tail:
In the picture below, Ruby is actually under the blue towel.

 The most exciting thing to happen around here was our friends Rorke and Leatha came to visit us! And their daughter Reann, who is almost 4. I tried to get a picture of them together .... it was a failure:
(Love Reann's expression!)
Neither of the girls know how to stay still for very long:) 

 Love this pic of Leatha & P....just before this P was giving Leatha mega snuggles.

1 comment:

  1. Penelope is so squeezingly chubby in some of these pictures! :-) Love the flowers!


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