Friday, February 10, 2012

Going to Town

This title sounds like it came straight from a chapter of Laura Ingalls Wilder. And sometimes going to town seems like just as big of an event as it did for the little Ingalls girls riding to town in their wagon.

This morning I got my self together (sort-of) and left for town. As I drove, I scanned the vehicle, noting all of the things I had brought. The overstuffed diaper bag. The bag with work-out clothes for me. The pile of Penelope's clothes to lend to Leah. The cooler full of food and bottles. The stroller. The car seemed to be packed, only for a half day trip to town.

So off to town we went. Penelope got to have fun with our friend Jenny while I went to an appointment. Then we had a mommy date with Cori & Leah. It was near 60 degrees out, and we planned to take the strollers and babies out for their first stroll through town. So we proceeded to get ourselves, the strollers, and the babies ready. It is interesting to note that it took us about a half hour to get ready for our 40 minute walk. Actually, it took me that long, Cori was ready long before I was. I can already tell that Cori is going to be one of those organized, with-it moms that is prepared for anything. But anyway, we had a lovely walk, and both babies slept for most of this monumentous event.

Penelope in the stroller.

Penelope and Leah

Penelope: "Look I have a friend!"


Penelope: "Don't you want to be my friend?"

Cori: "Leah, you be nice to your friend"

Penelope: "Hurray! I have a friend!"

Then we met Wayne for a picnic lunch. We discovered that our town has the coolest playground that we have ever seen. I can picture us making frequent trips to the park before Penelope is old enough to walk, just so WE can explore all the cool stuff. Basically, it is a huge wood playground thing....bridges, slides, rope ladders, rock climbing wall, a huge tower, and many other things I didn't have time to explore. Other than the gangster teenagers that thought they were super-cool hanging out on a playground meant for 6 year-olds, we were very impressed. Although super-cool teens did have a pleasant word of warning for us, "Ah, dudes, you might wanna make sure no one peed on the slide before you go down." Good to know.

Dad, P & the super cool playground tower.


  1. likely those gangsta teens should know if someone peed on the slide, they likely did! Penelope looks so grown up beside Leah, glad she has a friend, she looks so happy all the time!

  2. That looks like an awesome park! I was thinking the typical elementary school wooden playground, but that is suh-weet! And peeing on the slide? WHY would someone do that? Thanks for the warning though.


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